Having not posted for a while thought I would put up a few things related to BABE.
As well as having some of my miniature books, folded from A2 sheets with hard covers, on the UWE bookstand at the show I also made gained some inspiration from other contributors there and have followed up some links from their work (images below). Copies of my own books for sale were based on some of my earlier collage collections and a photo' record of abstract imagery from a Welsh coastline walk. Having made up the books for the show in a rush to meet the deadline for submission, made the foolish mistake of not photographing the finished books and as such have no images to post here! When I have made up a couple more samples I will photograph and post.
Some of the work that I was particularly interested in at the show was by 'Frantic Ham'. Collaborative and individual work from Francis Van Maele, based in Ireland and Antic-Ham from Seoul, South Korea. Their books, collage and screen prints, particularly those influenced by DADA and Fluxus wereinteresting.
Work by Bernd Reichert was a starting point for some further research which led me to the red dot project - www.reddotproject.org/ and the work of Reid Wood who uses both handmade/mailart and digital collage.
Also linked from this site was a German artist working under he name of Planet Susannia whose blog contains a range of inspiring collage which on first sight seem hand made but look more likely to be digitally assembled. This work is both visually strong in terms of image but also has a good sense of organisation and balance.
Another useful link was sujak.com - based in Korea - who represent various book art, printmakers and collagists.

' Frantic Ham'

'Reid Wood'

'Planet Susannia'