Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Touchonesque typographic collage

Following discussion about on-going work I have decided to continue with exploring a further range of collage styles and techniques prior to defining specific work for end of year assessment and shows. As part of some more recent practitioner research I have looked at the work of the Texas based collage artist Cecil Touchon. His work focusses on the use of typographic characters without image or any intended narrative.

In setting out to explore further approaches to collage and outcomes developed from this I intend to consider comparisons between work where there is clearly no narrative and visual outcomes are based on abstracts of juxtaposed objects and the resulting positive/negative space and balance/visual aesthetic created in this approach. Equally, I intend to investigate the inclusion of some percieved narrative linked to image and type based ephemera in the context of the collages I make ant the outcomes extracted from them.

Below are some recent typographic investigations. The rules: only to be constructed from a small set of flyers that were given to me.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

More little round dots

In furthering my research into imagery developed from the nearly complete set of 'medical cards' I am now considering selected areas of original cards enlarged for print at approximately A2 size. Exploring the 'little round dots', screen angles and coloured backgrounds to suggest ageing newsprint, in order to retain the visual aesthetic of 'low fi' print influences from mid last century is a current focus. I see this as preparatory study for some sample screen prints and perhaps paintings to bring some comparative scale into my work.

I see this development as an opportunity to find methodologies with which to take my collages as a starting point and process further outcomes which retain not only the balance and juxtaposition of elements in the design but also the asssociation with a 'period' visual appearance.

The aim is to provide the low res, limited quality ink and registration appearance associated with the previously mentioned period.