Following the writing of a short piece on the theme of "Design That Makes Me Happy" there was a session with John Hammersley where the group evaluated each otheres' writings to consider emerging themes. I was unable to attend that session but had the opportunity to discuss it this week with John to consider potential statements that might be isolated in my writing leading to a possible "thesis statement".
The group selected the idea of "Balance, Juxtaposition and Space" (relating to typography) as a recurring theme within my writing. From this we were asked to develop a creative piece in response to this (above). I can now see possibilities arising from the study of this theme and considerations relating to periods, styles and trends in typography, particularly within the field of information design. I am becoming increasingly interested in trends and the period of the 1950's (influences of modernism, swiss graphicsetc) and the changes and developments through digital intervention and the current resurgence of hand drawn lettering and illustration. I now feel that I need to refine my ideas to develop a clear direction and content for my "Manifesto"
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