Following some downtime over Christmas I have now begun to consider approaches to my final piece of work to define my "Manifesto". In trying to define my intentions I have been deliberating over the content of my visual statement to include constraints but also options for the breadth of my investigations. Whilst I am still intent on investigating hand drawn/rendered/constructed approaches - avoiding the need of the computer as an initial working tool - I am becoming aware that there will be times when I will want to fully utilise the computer as a production tool. Therefore I have included the rider in my manifesto that "Iwill acknowledge the computer s a production tool" I don't see this as a"cop out" but merely a recognition of the technology as a very powerful too for processing final visual outcomes prior to print, where this is intended.
I have found that my focus has developed from earlier work in the semester and that I am now taking on broader visual references from artists including Robert Rauschenberg and Joe Tilson. Iam aware that I am now stating an outline direction but equally want to keep options open to allow my work to develop in the light of ongoing visual research. My final piece is based on the idea of avoiding the use of the "mouse" as a first stage in ideas and visual developments and this piece of work started as a paste-up of type as titles relating to activities suggesting my approaches but developed in some part as the phonemes from the title - Masnifesto. I have also drawn imagery for the peice and included a scan of notes from my sketchbook defining my "manifesto" at this stage. After experimenting with hand drawn type for this element of the work I felt that the working quality of my sketchbook list with crossings out and amendments gave a more fluid impression of my intentions. I am now at the stage of making some further and final amendments to my "Manifesto" prior to the submission deadline and will post the final outcome(s) as they materialise.
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