Sarah Fishburn

Karl Waldmann

Karl Waldmann

Hoc Littmann

Hoc Littmann

Hoc Littmann

Eva Lake

Eva Lake

Dick Allowatt

Dick Allowatt

A new semester and some fresh research. How are other practitioners using found ephemera in their work? How does their work develop from these found and organised items. I have included a few of my recent finds here.
The collage and assemblage of Dick Allowatt is inspiring: "Most of my life has been devoted to making art, with over 30 years as a graphic designer and creative director. For the past several years, I have been creating mixed media artwork. I love working with my collection of found objects and vintage books, discovering relationships for incongruent materials and images. I bring these elements together to evoke mystery, fantasy, humor, or to simply create a pleasing arrangement with no hidden meaning, preferring to leave the interpretation of the results up to the viewer. For me, the thrill is in the unpredictable journey and the surprise destination"
Eva Lake from Portland Oregon makes photo montage and paintings which bring together abstract colour and period image - some nice pieces here.
Hoc Littmann www.monotypia.de works with mono printing to create well balanced mixed media pieces using diagrams and other illustrations to overprint.
Karl Waldmann: Photo montage and collage produced until 1958.
Very little is known about his life but he has been compared with Schwitters, Hoch, Heartfield, Moholy Nagy, to name but a few
"Probably born in the penultimate decade of the 19th century in Dresden, Karl Waldmann apparently died around 1958 in a USSR labour camp. He is one of constructivism's last discoveries and most certainly a very important one"
Sarah Fishburn says about herself: "an internationally known artist, who currently describes her work as Mixed-Media Narrative. Her work combines photo montage and collage amongst other media. There are some similarities here to the work of Michelle Caplan and Sarah Hanson. Layers of image and texture and an illuatrative feel.
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