

Following on from earlier abstract, graphic images of signs, street art etc I am continuing with the theme of abstract and layers with another series of images from a visit to Spain. All images are framed at the camera stage ie no further cropping and aim to create balanced compositions of textures, colour, lines, layers and in the case of the boat images the type element from the boat registration details. My focus on composition of abstract images through the lens is, I feel, an extension of the approach I take when composing/building collages. The images here are a sample that I have recorded in thumbnail form. At a later stage I will choos further criteria to select sets that I will print at larger sizes. My intention is to continue with this direction with photographic images alongside my more illustrative work. Another outcome from this approach is that I am also collecting images of textures and distressed surfaces which will have potential as layers in digital collage in the future. Therefore this approach can be seen as a means if defining graphic abstract image for display as well as a building library of texture/colour/distressed surface resource for future work.

Water and Rock

Rock and Pool
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