'Perhaps' - own work

'I Can Hardly Wait' - own work

'Ticket' - own work

Sarah Hanson

Matthew Cooper

Since the holiday collages (Crete) I have continued to output some collage based on more recently found, print based ehphemera. As suggested in the previous blog influence has been from the likes of David Wallace, Martin O'Neil and Richard Meier. I am also now finding a growing range of artists using collage, in a multitude of ways, through on-going visual research.
Recent finds have been the work of Matthew Cooper and Sarah Hanson. Hanson's work -http://www.debutart.com/artist/sarah-hanson/work - uses the found ephemera approach with imagery developed and enhanced with digital input. However, and this is the bit I appreciate, she manages to capture imagery and retain that visual 'period' aesthetic that I enjoy. Cooper's work - http://www.debutart.com/artist/matthew-cooper- also appears to use collage as a starting point with refinements and additions being digitally created. There are 'Constructivist' influences here in many of his works, (he did the cover for Franz Ferdinands first album based on a Rodchenko image).
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