Wednesday 16 March 2011

Stamp Collection 2 and other collage development

Following a series of over 20 'stamp collection' collages I have now moved on to explore a slightly different approach; still using stamps and aged ephemera but concentrating on the placement/alignment of the 'franking' marks on the stamps or envelope sections with found images. Ispiration for this has been partly from my recent visit to the John Stezaker exhibition at Whitechapel and also from other collage artists, in particular, David Walace ( whose work I have a continued interest in. I see this second series as ongoing and will broaden it out in developing styles.

I am still finding inspiration from my continued research into artists using handmade or digital collage. I aim to consider how I might approach a move into digital collage so that I might compare processes and outcomes from these works. What I must do, but keep putting off, is develop my website!

Ford 74x105mm

Miss Germany 105x148mm

Mis USSR 105x148mm

Not Miss Portugal 105x148mm
Drums, Sir

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